17 WITENO GmbH WITENO GmbH is a joint subsidiary of the City of Greifswald the University of Greifswald and Sparkasse Vorpommern As an interface between science and business it offers advice coaching and space The focus is on biotech bioeconomy IT medical technology pharmaceuticals the environment and energy and plasma technology The location has the highest density of researchers in plasma technology and life scien ces in the whole of Europe The Centre for Life Science and Plasma Technology Z4 will open next to the BioTechnikum in 2023 combining research development and production under one roof Both centres are perfectly integrated into the infrastructure of the university campus and offer the ideal environment for companies set to grow Center for Community Medicine Another highlight on the university campus will be the Cen ter for Community Medicine In future it will be used to re search diseases such as diabetes obesity and cardiovascular illnesses and their increasing incidence in connection with demographic change in the population The construction of this interdisciplinary centre for population related health research will create jobs for about 380 employees with an area of over 7 000 m

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