6This is Greifswald 51 km2 urban area Ryck 16 Tallest building Cathedral 99 97 m The city s oldest buildings include the ruins of the Eldena monastery and its three large parish churches Construction of the city began in the 13th century and continued over many years The gabled house at Markt 13 is considered the city s oldest house It was built around 1290 as the home of a Hanseatic merchant The Fangenturm was built as part of the city fortifications defensive structure in 1270 80 DISTRICTS 1 City centre 2 Steinbeckervorstadt 3 Fleischervorstadt 4 Northern Mühlenvorstadt 5 Southern Mühlenvorstadt Obstbausiedlung 6 Fettenvorstadt Stadtrandsiedlung 7 Ostseeviertel 8 Schönwalde I Südstadt 9 Schönwalde II 10 Industrial area 11 Ladebow 12 Wieck 13 Eldena 14 Groß Schönwalde 15 Friedrichshagen 16 Riems Koos island 1 3 5 6 10 Greifswald has 12 conservation areas 422 heritage assets including 2 settlements with a total of 65 buildings 1 mobile monument Greif sailing school ship

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