19FRIEDRICH LOEFFLER INST ITUT The Friedrich Loeffler Institut provides the University and Hanse atic City of Greifswald with a unique selling point of the very highest order Apart from the University of Greifswald there is no other institu tion in the city where tradition and modernity are so close knit At the same time the connection between the city and the universi ty which is such a strong feature of Greifswald becomes clear both through Loeffler the person and through the history of the institute The Institute was founded in 1910 by Friedrich Loeffler Professor of Hygiene and the History of Medi cine at the University of Greifswald as the first virology research insti tute making it the oldest virus re search institute in the world The fact that the choice of lo cation on the Island of Riems was probably not exactly a choice at the time is surely nothing more than a footnote today but it is no less inter esting Loeffler who conducted re search into the pathogen that causes foot and mouth disease was more or less forced into finding a location outside the city limits for his re search given that locals saw a direct link between the repeated outbreaks of foot and mouth disease in the re gion and Loeffler s experiments Therefore following instructions Loeffler began his search for a suit able location During this search he discovered the Island of Riems The Prussian state acquired this small tranquil island in the Greifswald La goon which was not directly con nected to the mainland at the time The history of these events is very interesting but unfortunately due to lack of space we are not able to look at it in more detail here Today in its capacity as a Federal Research Institute for Animal Health the Friedrich Loeffler Institut is a higher instance of the Federal Min istry of Food and Agriculture The in stitute operates from five locations across Germany with its headquar The Federal Research Institute of Animal Health operates from seven locations across Germany Its headquarters are situated on the Island of Riems which is a suburb of the University and Hanseatic City of Greifswald Their work aims to provide protection against infections epizootic diseases and infectious diseases that can be transmitted from animals to humans Left Prof Mettenleiter in the corridor that con nects the building to the institute s modern laboratories Right Detailed genome analysis of animal pathogens next generation sequencing

Vorschau Innovative Greifswald Seite 19
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