23 At Coldplasmatech things are dif ferent beginning with its location Normally you would expect a com pany with such a specialised profile to be found in a modern start up hub or innovation centre in Hamburg Munich or Berlin But this company is based in Vorpommern in an old historical villa not far from the centre of the University and Hanseatic City of Greifswald When you ask the CEO of Cold plasmatech Dr Carsten Mahrenholz why he and his co founders chose Greifswald as the location for their COLDPLASMATECH COLDPL ASMATECH Wound treatment of the future This Greifswald start up has now developed a technology that s intended to revolutionise the healing of chronic wounds it s almost like science fiction Left The PlasmaPatch is a wound dressing which generates cold plasma that can even kill multi re sistant germs It s almost like science fiction headquarters back in 2015 he s more than happy to tell you all about the company s relatively brief but very varied history He makes reference to the com pany s origins in the Greifswald based Leibniz Institut für Plasmafor schung und Technologie e V INP its connections to Greifswald Univer sity and his contacts from the city and the region as a whole However Dr Mahrenholz em phasises that these alone would not be reason enough to stay They have already received attractive of fers to relocate to Munich or Berlin several times in the past So why Greifswald and why Mecklen burg Vorpommern Dr Mahrenholz s response that they want to give back some of the support they have received over the years sounds a bit stubborn But the location is also ideal for med tech companies he says because of its proximity to research insti tutes and the modern University Medical Centre Looking at the Coldplasmatech website might conjure up memories of physics and biology lessons at first But after you ve read the first few lines you ll notice how much importance is attached to explain ing the basics in a way that even a layperson can understand This is logical since the treatment of dif ficult to heal wounds is a problem

Vorschau Innovative Greifswald Seite 23
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