INNOVATIVE GRE IFSWALD 24 suffered by up to four million peo ple throughout Germany every year who have non healing wounds as a result of conditions such as diabetes Basic research in which INP Greifswald plays a significant role has proven that cold plasma can significantly accelerate wound heal ing whilst combating multi resis tant germs at the same time The challenge lay and still lies in transferring this knowledge into a practicable medical procedure and developing testing certifying and finally manufacturing the re quired equipment The result The PlasmaCube which is a control box for power generation and the Plas maPatch which is a silicon based wound dressing The Class IIb med ical product was approved at the beginning of 2020 and since then the company has enjoyed a break through in a highly competitive market They were recently award ed the German Innovation Prize The two operational founders of Coldplasmatech have taken on these highly demanding but very exciting challenges They set them selves the goal of developing a medical product that in their own words could revolutionise wound treatment and that could be used in a simple safe and effective way on the basis of cold plasma tech nology The objective is for the pro cedure that they have developed to become a medical standard in the future just like X rays or the use of lasers and it certainly represents a minor revolution in the treatment of wounds A project like this would not be possible without support It needs encouragement and backing It needs sponsors And it also needs a location like Greifswald Left CEO Carsten Mahrenholz Right A relaxed team meeting Their goal was to produce a medical product that could revolutionise wound treatment

Vorschau Innovative Greifswald Seite 24
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