27WELCOME CENTRE Greifswald is the city of short distances This is certainly one of the reasons why before long al most every new Greifswald resident gets a bicycle And yet for some the short distances that are so often spoken about in the beginning remain hid den This is not surprising it is a long time since Greifswald had the char acter of a small university town on the edge of a lagoon It has devel oped into a regional hub a develop ment generator and a lighthouse all at the same time Greifswald does not just offer a range of diverse and interesting jobs and educational opportunities It is also a pleasant place to live one shaped by social cultural and political diversity If you look at the Situations Vacant page on the websites of large and medi um sized companies and institutes in Greifswald you will quickly notice that they often refer to the services offered by the Welcome Centre The Greifswald Welcome Centre is one of six such institutions in our federal state The two centres in the Vorpommern Greifswald district are run by ABS gGmbH an experi enced and competent Greifswald based company that works on the promotion of job opportunities em ployment and structural develop ment The Welcome Centre s main aim is to offer advice information and above all practical support to skilled workers looking to move to the Greifswald region The advice it offers is divided into the topics of work living and housing family leisure and local recreation That said the boundaries be tween categories are rather blurred and are primarily oriented towards the concrete life situation of the individual in question Personal consultations are free of charge throughout the entire process The staff at the Welcome Cen tre expend just as much effort on working closely with local compa nies and institutes Long term col laborations with a coordinated focus on content oriented specifically to wards each company and adapted on an ongoing basis are of benefit The Greifswald Welcome Centre is well networked professionally staffed and flexible enough to meet changing needs in terms of demand advice and support at short notice This certainly helps people to find even shorter distances even in the city of short distances In turn this can be of benefit for everyone involved even if they haven t got a bicycle yet Left An initial consultation with advisor Ulrike Bendt Right People interested in the Welcome Centre are given specially designed cloth bags with customised information leaflets

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