35KATAPULT ferences his co founder Tim Ehlers and his comrades in arms in the editorial team and he presents the current figures And he looks straight ahead He does that lot Of course besides the content circulation figures costs sales strat egies and much more are the order of the day But the magazine is al ways at the forefront of Fredrich s mind As a result the only new projects underway are ones that complement the magazine They include special large format map publications under the name Knick er and also posters books and card games Just a few years ago hardly any one would have believed that a new magazine from Greifswald in print form would even be able to gain a foothold in the turbulent Ger man language magazine market Another thing that makes it special is that Katapult is only available in print That s part of the concept Benjamin Fredrich is proud to point out over and over again that Katapult is the only print magazine in many households alongside dig ital media And that s how it should stay The prospects are good the number of subscribers is impressive and constantly on the rise Like so much in this city this magazine originated at the univer sity Benjamin Fredrich founded the magazine together with Tim Ehlers and other students while studying politics The motto Just do it has guided the magazine ever since They brushed aside suggestions of leaving Greifswald and abandoning the concept of a print magazine Not all of the founders are still in volved but that s normal Benjamin Fredrich has nev er doubted the significance of the Greifswald location a fact that is only partly because he was born here Fredrich refers to the close ties with the university the numerous start ups in the city its low unem ployment rate and its geographical location on the shores of the Baltic Sea too And where is the journey head ing for the Katapult team Benja min Fredrich is full of plans They will definitely begin to set up their own social media space in 2020 they are going to hire more staff they are going to plant a Katapult forest and their search for a plot of land in Greifswald where they can build a large Katapult editorial building is ongoing

Vorschau Innovative Greifswald Seite 35
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