41CENTRE FOR L IFE SC IENCE PLASMA TECHNOLOGY The Leibniz Institute for Plasma Science and Technology INP will be the most important partner and stakeholder Greifswald such as Vilua Healthcare GmbH and Coldplasmatech GmbH Five successful spin off com panies from the INP are delighted with the new space and are looking forward to building new production capacities for plasma based prod ucts on site The Centre for Life Sci ence and Plasma Technology opens up opportunities for the INP to give new momentum to expanding re search through regional national and international partnerships un der practical conditions At the Leibniz Institute for Plas ma Science and Technology which is the largest non university research facility for low temperature plasmas in Europe more than 200 employees are currently researching physical plasmas They are mainly used in the areas of materials and energy and environment and health Among other things this technolo gy is used for coating surfaces decon taminating air and liquids and disin fecting food as well as in the medical sector and in electrical engineering Two current research projects demonstrate the institute s great innovative power Together with al liance partners the institute is cur rently developing both new energy conversion and storage technolo gies in the field of hydrogen tech nology and environment friendly physical processes to improve the germination capacity resistance and growth of agricultural plants within the framework of the WIR funding programme The institute has also attained a world leading position in the field of plasma medicine Since 2008 physicists biologists physicians and pharmacists have been researching the interactions between plasmas and cells The plasma devices in vented and developed at the INP are used to successfully treat chron ically infected wounds and infec tious skin diseases Furthermore the scientific groundwork is being laid here for this technology to be used in cancer treatment Initial clinical studies confirm its potential The INP conducts application orient ed basic research and provides cus tomer specific solutions feasibility studies and consulting services for the industry true to the institute s motto from ideas to prototypes Left WITENO GmbH s CEO Dr Wolfgang Blank Above Prof Klaus Dieter Weltmann Chairman and scientific director of the INP

Vorschau Innovative Greifswald Seite 41
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