49 In spite of its international ori entation the company is well net worked regionally and locally as well This applies not only to its connections to the Universities of Greifswald and Rostock Chepla pharm also collaborates with the service sector primarily with local small and medium sized companies Cheplapharm Arzneimittel GmbH is committed to its Greifswald loca tion for the future as well thanks to its strong growth trajectory The company makes it its business to continue to making an important contribution to the health of our so ciety by maintaining the diversity of drugs on the global market Top left The owners of the company Sebastian Braun and Dr Bianca Juha in the connecting bridge at HQ Top Right The exterior view of the head quarters in the Ziegelhof Industrial Park in Greifswald Below Employees in one of the spacious recreational areas within the new building CHEPLAPHARM

Vorschau Innovative Greifswald Seite 49
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